
Welcome to the web pages of Omiljeni Partner d.o.o. company.

Omiljeni Partner d.o.o. is a company owned by Anica Čarapić and myself (Dalibor Čarapić).

Anica Čarapić is a professional photographer which specializes in newborn photography. To find out more about her work please visite the following website:

On the other hand I am a freelance programmer which primarily does work in .NET ecosystem.

This web-site is primarily intended to contain basic information about the company as well as information about my programming work. Here you will find my CV and various blog posts.

Dalibor Čarapić, CEO / Freelancer

P.S.: If you have landed on pages of the Omiljeni Partner d.o.o. company because of excellent photography work done by my wife Anica Čarapić then you should point your browser to:

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